In the garden with Shanahan and Kennedy. Photo from
Our nation is sick, just like the soil in the award-winning documentaries Kiss the Ground and Common Ground for which Kennedy’s vice presidential running mate Nicole Shanahan was an executive producer. The movies focus on regenerative agriculture as a path of redemption out of the dead dirt of industrial farming into the healthy soil that future generations of organic farmers will depend on. The Kennedy/Shanahan presidential campaign gives us the opportunity to extend this healing metaphor to the nation and MAHA (Make America Healthy Again).
The microbiome of the soil has been severely damaged by the constant use of pesticides and herbicides since WWII in parallel with the disruption of our personal microbiomes due to the massive increase in antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals during the same time interval. The most direct common connection between these two disasters is through the widespread use of Roundup on mono-cultures of GMO wheat, corn and soybeans which deposit copious amounts of toxic glyphosate in our gastrointestinal tracts resulting in illnesses ranging from miscarriages to cancer.
During his long career as one of the most successful environmental lawyers in history, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s legal team won $289 million in a 2018 lawsuit against Monsanto proving that Roundup caused non-Hodgkins lymphoma in a school groundskeeper. The notorious chemical company was purchased that same year by Bayer which has subsequently lost more lawsuits including one for $2.25 billion in 2024 which concluded that it “is a defective cancer-causing product, that Monsanto was negligent, and that Monsanto failed to warn about the dangers.”
Kennedy’s most well-known legal accomplishment is working with the Riverkeepers in the 1990s to resurrect the grossly polluted Hudson River and make the waters fishable again. He later became President of the Waterkeeper Alliance to successfully sue polluters around the world, including Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) like Smithfield Foods in North Carolina, for releasing hog farm waste into the rivers. In the past decade, his passion for cleaning up the environment has transferred over to his current focus on ending the chronic disease epidemic.
This shift occurred unexpectedly when he was lecturing around the country on mercury contamination of fish due to coal-fired power plants and was continually confronted by armies of “warrior moms” concerned about mercury in childhood vaccines. He was resistant to their efforts until they shared an abundant amount of scientific research which convinced him there was a problem and eventually led to the creation of Children’s Health Defense. When labeled “anti-vax” he responded that his efforts to get mercury out of fish never got him called “anti-fish.”
Even though Kennedy often jokingly says that this change in direction was the worst career decision of his life, it seems totally appropriate that he would pick Shanahan as his running mate, a millennial warrior mom whose daughter regressed into autism after a vaccine injury. It is her generation that is going to bear the brunt of the tsunami of chronic illness in their children precipitated by the relentless escalation of the vaccine schedule from 5 shots for the Boomers to over 73 for the post-COVID babies with an increase in autism from 1 in 150 in 2000 to 1 in 36 in 2023.
The denial of the scientific basis of the autism-vaccine connection by the medical establishment despite proven fraudulent coverups at the CDC is typical of the appalling gaslighting that has undermined the public’s faith in modern medicine during the COVID pandemic. This confidence cannot be restored until the payoffs to doctors and pharmacies end, and Kennedy is the only candidate calling for this rebirth of honest medicine. Perhaps this issue is one of the reasons he is polling ahead of the other candidates in voters under 45 with Shanahan leading the way.
As a Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur and patent attorney, she proposes using AI to investigate the reason for more than half of millennials being diagnosed with a chronic illness. The CDC, FDA and NIH seem clueless as to possible causes for this decline in health, which is no surprise since the leading suspects are industry favorites such as vaccines, glyphosate and EMF radiation. These government agencies along with the FCC are considered by the Harvard Center for Ethics to be “captured” by the industries they are supposed to be regulating.
The administration of Kennedy and Shanahan intends to end this systemic pattern of corruption related to Big Pharma, Big Ag and Big Telecom lobbying of our legislatures. Their agenda will promote holistic strategies for preventing disease and restoring health, regenerative agriculture and locally sourced healthy food from organic farmers, and the replacement of 5G wireless transmitters with safe fiberoptic connections for all. The regeneration of our nation and the health of our grandchildren depend upon it, so let everyone know that Kennedy is the Remedy.
This is a helpful article, thanks Larry. I was not particularly happy with Kennedy's choice but appreciate what you've written here. Good reminder that Shanahan is a strong force for regenerative agriculture. RFK, Jr., is the only candidate who isn't in the pocket of corporate America. Trump is a pawn of Big Pharma and Biden is owned by the military-industrial complex. Neither of those candidates has an iota of scientific literacy, not to mention the kind of depth and backbone that Bobby Kennedy has. We would be incredibly lucky to have him as president.
We also need to shift taxes off of labor and production and onto the "commons rent" (land value tax) to stop land hoarding and speculation and to keep land affordable for more labor intensive regenerative agriculture. - see