The suppression of both HCQ and ivermectin has been a truly criminal effort. Additionally, coercion of doctors to stick to the approved script is an ugly chapter in medical tyranny.

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Agree. That is why courageous doctors who speak out at risk to their careers like Kory, Marik and McCullough are so important to wake more physicians up. https://larryburk.substack.com/p/medical-martyring-a-tale-of-two-doctors?sd=pf

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Thanks a lot for this article Referred here by the redoubtable Malcolm Roberts

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I dont know how to delete this link; It was a segment from Dr. McCullough being interviewed about vaccines being discontinued for children

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I found this brief interview with McCullough where he says at the end children should not receive the vaccine under any circumstances. Prior to his comments they have a clip of vaccine shill Peter Hotez, also from Baylor, complaining about being criticized for his views which actually merit his being included with the rest of the criminal suspects listed in my blog. https://www.mediamatters.org/laura-ingraham/fox-news-guest-says-children-should-not-be-given-covid-vaccine-under-any

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Great article Larry. Shared widely.

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Greatly appreciate you sharing it. As you know I've been following the whole sorry story closely for the past two years, so I was surprised to discover this information that I was unaware of reading Leake and McCullough's The Courage to Face COVID-19 book. The vaccine agenda is so sinister, and of course, censorship is so rampant. Thank goodness for Substack which I switched to after this blog on vaccine injuries was taken down immediately from Medium. Glad you are one of these heroes! https://larryburk.substack.com/p/heroes-of-2021-speak-out-this-has

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So clear and understandable! Like Christiane, I will share widely!

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I appreciate you sharing on your newsletter. As you know, the suppression of early treatment is all a part of a larger agenda of mass formation by the WEF disseminated by the corrupt 3 letter agencies including the NIH, CDC, FDA and WHO and many medical professional associations such as the AMA. https://larryburk.substack.com/p/mass-hypnosis-2001-2021-wake-up-now

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HCQ provides no benefit for treating or preventing COVID:


"The current totality of evidence more strongly supports our previous recommendations concerning the lack of efficacy and possible harm of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19."

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I appreciate you taking the time to read the blog, and I likewise read the review article you posted. Unsurprisingly the first and final authors (the most important positions in academic articles) both declared major Big Pharma conflicts of interest. You, as an experienced pharmaceutical researcher, surely must be aware how easy it is to design a study to fail in service of a desired industry goal such as the vaccine agenda.

None of the studies in the review included zinc in the protocol which is a crucial feature of early treatment protocols due to HCQ's ionophore effect which facilitates early blocking of viral replication. Interestingly, none of the studies reported significant cardiac adverse events which was the purported safety reason for blocking its use.

My prior blog below detailed the scientific evidence for early treatment in multiple links, and I would draw your attention in particular to the link to cardiologist Peter McCullough's Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) in Rev. Cardiovasc. Med. 2020.

I also mention that the data shows HCQ is about half as effective as ivermectin (IVM) in treating COVID, due to the fact that it is only useful in outpatient treatment, while IVM is useful throughout the course of the disease. However, the sabotage of HCQ in the early days of the pandemic set the stage for later demonization of IVM. Finally, I'm sure you are aware of the billions of dollars in criminal penalties that have been levied against drug companies, but this catastrophe will likely result in trillions. https://larryburk.substack.com/p/early-treatment-vs-stay-at-home-until

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drivel , T Spector , professional paid up genocidal drivel

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Link appears to be broken. Please post functioning link with explanation about the content or take down.

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