(2) curious about your position on this massive fraud since February 2020,
(3) wanna know if you are willing to admit pathogenic viruses and virology are frauds and
(4) able to criticize allopathic methods as largely designed for industry revenue based on surprising symptoms and not addressing the underlying issue.
1) I just started republishing my old blogs from other platforms this spring.
2) Agree the fraudulent malpractice is the worst in the history of medicine involving every major medical center and all the major journals, agencies and professional associations.
3) I take a both/and approach to terrain vs germ theories in COVID. Tom Cowan points out the importance of toxic food, air and 5G pollution degrading the terrain resulting in multiple co-morbidities. David Martin tracks the long history of gain-of-function patents leading up to this bioweapon targeting the ACE2 receptors in multiple organs.
Please forgive me for not acknowledging your courage to speak up against the establishment.
As for David Martin, do you follow Christine Massey? She is authentic. He’s not. If you don’t follow her, I recommend you check out her Substack, like this item:
How do you know she is authentic, as her arguments don't explain why spike proteins have been found in tissues during COVID autopsies and biopsies by pathologist Ryan Cole and others in the FLCCC? It is mentioned elsewhere that she has a background in biostatistics, but it is unclear as to whether she is an actual scientist. While I have respect for Tom Cowan as a clinician and a theorist, he is not a scientist either. For them to make outside the box claims I'd say the burden of proof is on them, as their critiques of the published research appear to be based solely on their opinions about science that they don't fully understand as discussed in this article. https://jeffgreenhealth.substack.com/p/virology-and-the-scientific-method
I see this was published in October 2022.
Before I offer my thoughts, I’m;
(1) wondering why you’ve decided to share it now,
(2) curious about your position on this massive fraud since February 2020,
(3) wanna know if you are willing to admit pathogenic viruses and virology are frauds and
(4) able to criticize allopathic methods as largely designed for industry revenue based on surprising symptoms and not addressing the underlying issue.
1) I just started republishing my old blogs from other platforms this spring.
2) Agree the fraudulent malpractice is the worst in the history of medicine involving every major medical center and all the major journals, agencies and professional associations.
3) I take a both/and approach to terrain vs germ theories in COVID. Tom Cowan points out the importance of toxic food, air and 5G pollution degrading the terrain resulting in multiple co-morbidities. David Martin tracks the long history of gain-of-function patents leading up to this bioweapon targeting the ACE2 receptors in multiple organs.
4) Allopathic medicine is all about shooting the messenger and suppressing the sacred messages from the body that provide the key to healing the root causes. My approach is outlined in this February 2020 blog which will be the next one I republish on SubStack. https://burk0001.medium.com/transforming-symptoms-as-metaphors-is-there-a-hidden-meaning-b6f68dca058
Thank you.
Please forgive me for not acknowledging your courage to speak up against the establishment.
As for David Martin, do you follow Christine Massey? She is authentic. He’s not. If you don’t follow her, I recommend you check out her Substack, like this item:
How do you know she is authentic, as her arguments don't explain why spike proteins have been found in tissues during COVID autopsies and biopsies by pathologist Ryan Cole and others in the FLCCC? It is mentioned elsewhere that she has a background in biostatistics, but it is unclear as to whether she is an actual scientist. While I have respect for Tom Cowan as a clinician and a theorist, he is not a scientist either. For them to make outside the box claims I'd say the burden of proof is on them, as their critiques of the published research appear to be based solely on their opinions about science that they don't fully understand as discussed in this article. https://jeffgreenhealth.substack.com/p/virology-and-the-scientific-method