Dec 5, 2021Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

Excellent article! I’ve been “awake” for about 9 years. The minute we went past the “2 weeks to flatten the curve” and they uttered the word “vaccine”, I knew the agenda. The CDC had long been chomping at the bit for a mandatory adult vaccine schedule, and state Democrats across the country had gradually been taking away parents’ exemptions to childhood vaccinations. But what’s happening—WAY beyond what I ever thought would happen in my lifetime.

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Yes, it is time for everyone to take a stand like the heroes in my previous blog. More are stepping forward every day including whistleblowers from industry. https://larryburk.substack.com/p/heroes-of-2021-speak-out-this-has

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

People are waking, sadly, some through their side effects, or through standing at gravesides, but it's coming.

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Dec 6, 2021·edited Jul 11, 2022Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

The history of central banking will get you here in a hurry as well. Check out All Wars are Bankers Wars here: https://youtu.be/BXeAIxK7rY4 or whatreallyhappened.com Everything is downstream from money printing. Media Medicine Military and a monopoly on the printing press is backdoor communism. They destroyed us with debt and there's only one way out now.

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Jun 27, 2022·edited Jun 27, 2022Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

Monsters. https://infertilitymovie.org/a-diabolical-agenda/ Ever wonder why Africa refused the recent jabs... ?Awakened long ago. You can only know, when you awaken. And once you see exactly who your opponents are, you cannot un-see them. The Great awakening. Archbishop and diplomat emeritus of Vatican City Carlo Maria Viganò - "It is easy to make accusation that all this is a conspiracy theory. But such an accusation no longer holds water. There are those who do not want to understand because they are afraid of what they may discover. The richest and most powerful people of the world have launched a global attack on humanity and I would end my answer making an analogy. Our attitude towards these facts is similar to someone having to make a puzzle composed of thousands of pieces, but without having the time or picture in front of them. (Their intent is to make the final picture unrecognisable.) However, Anyone who sees the entire picture or one significant part starts to realise how the pieces fit together. And anyone who has seen the final picture also knows how to interpret and explain the silence of government officials and the complicity of doctors, bishops and priests who even reached the position of denying the sacrament to those dying because the were not vaccinated. And this is where we are now. We are after all full of great hope because the truth cannot be hidden and will prevail in the end. " https://odysee.com/106-Mapping-the-Elephant---Carlo-Maria-Vigan%C3%B2:f7e01257bb2b06bfdc31f86c28aff116668c075f The Greatest Coup Of All time

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Love Vigano's bold position puts him among the ranks of all the other heroes I mention in this blog. https://larryburk.substack.com/p/heroes-of-2021-speak-out-this-has

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Dec 6, 2021Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

Paul Kingsnorth's "The Vaccine Moment part I" is an excellent article along these lines: https://paulkingsnorth.substack.com/p/the-vaccine-moment-part-one

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Loose Change. . . That was also my red pill moment. . . From there the rabbit hole has only gotten deeper and wider.

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Loose Change was one of the inspirations for this old blog from 2006 when I was giving public talks on 9/11 Truth. Mass Hypnosis on 9/11: Waking up from the Trance https://nc911truth.blogspot.com/2006/07/

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Sep 28, 2022Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

Thank you for articulating this so well. If we can all awaken from this dystopian dream, then we can create a world of beauty, peace, and joy.

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I appreciate the positive feedback. Here are two heroes who are waking the masses up in the US and Australia! https://larryburk.substack.com/p/truth-telling-a-tale-of-two-senators

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

Its only a matter of time

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Jan 16, 2022Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

Good article, thanks. Just now I started following your substack.

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Some principles of awakening that I wrote down in 2021:

Opening to the now moment

Questioning all beliefs and thought structures

Questioning authority and any “consensus of the experts”

Trusting intuition

Being in stillness daily

Increasing inner coherence

Trusting the immune system and power of the terrain

Trusting the synergisms and pleiotropisms in natural medicines

Holding fast to the Precautionary Principle (and do no harm)

Clearing all victimhood

Cultivating self-love and self-compassion

Owning my creative genius

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Larry, I am incredibly proud to know you as you share your gifts of wisdom and truth with the world. Your boldness will be rewarded, even if you are taking real risks as you battle the medical/bio-tech/pharma/media/arts/religious/industrial/corporate complex. I only recently (2 years ago) emerged from my trance and began to see SOME of the truth around us all with a clarity that has moved me to action. That truth is an ever-growing realization of course. Certain individuals carry the mantle of truth-telling to set people free (awaken them). You are one of them, and your company is growing. I do fear the rage/frustration and grief that will be released within the masses as they awaken and realize how they and their families have been pillaged. BLM/Antifa 2020 was a girl scout picnic compared to what is likely coming when the truth is fully realized. V for Vendetta is a good comparison.

We have a LOT of work to do.

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Thanks for the positive feedback Jim! Have seen V for Vendetta over 10 times, and I feel like the dominoes are starting to fall as the message of truth starts to wake people up. Imagine what it would have been like back in our day as Duke athletes if sports stars around the globe had started dropping dead of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome as they have been for the past year. https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/

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There was not one witness to document any planes flying into any building on that date, i believe one person stood up on a video and said that he did, was perhaps a first responder paid very well to make sure those words were heard and passed around on MSM. jet fuel doesn't melt steel girders, show me how that is possible, please. Baaaaahhhumbug. had to really clean the mess up as fast as possible, why? Wasn't this the largest "crime scene" in earths history? I guess they didn't want any evidence of the "HOAX"

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Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have the best compilation of evidence as to what really happened. There is still some controversy among the truthers on certain points, but the no planes theory is just a distraction. Thermite vs directed energy weapons is a more worthwhile topic to discuss. Yes, they didn't treat it appropriately as a crime scene since there was no way to explain the piles of molten metal at Ground Zero for weeks afterwards. https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/evidence-overview

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Comparing Anthony Fauci to Josef Mengele is beyond insanity. I know you aren't going to listen to me, but I can't stay silent in the face of claims like this. Honestly, it sounds like you yourself have been hypnotized.

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Elene, I am listening to all feedback about the blog, as I want to understand how people holding various conflicting worldviews think about these issues. When I wrote that paragraph about Fauci I was careful to say "as documented in RFK, Jr.'s new book" since he is a respected lawyer with a team of lawyers at Children's Health Defense vetting every word he writes and fact checking every one of the extensive references. What he has written in the book could be considered slander except that it is all factual, and he will not be retracting any of it. Beyond all the horrid details of human experimentation dating back to the AIDS crisis, just the criminal withholding of early treatments for the pandemic amounts to the worse case of medical malpractice in history accounting for tens of thousands of preventable deaths. The facts will speak for themselves as to who is on the right side of history.

FYI, Larry


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Dec 5, 2021Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

Considering Tony Fauci promoted the use of deadly AZT in the AIDS “crisis” and then withheld early treatment for the coronavirus which led to 10s of thousands—or more—deaths puts him right up there.

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Those of us who were around at the beginning of the AIDS crisis remember the desperate search for medications that would help. AZT was one of the first available, and is still in use. It should not be characterized as "deadly."


If by "early treatment" you mean ivermectin, Dr. Burk sees that issue quite differently from me, but research shows it to be very iffy and to sometimes do more harm than good. (I do think we should be making more use of Chinese herbs, which are well-studied and have a good track record. And there is now an officially FDA-sanctioned study of the main formula used in China, created by a group of acupuncturists who kept working till it became a reality.)

It's probably useless to say that I am a very holistic health-care provider, a colleague of Dr. Burk's wife, or that I have followed every development of COVID treatment obsessively since the beginning and am familiar with all aspects of it. I am leaving this conversation now.

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Dec 6, 2021Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

The fact that you are using snopes to “fact check” is very telling that you have absolutely NO idea of just how wrapped into the mass formation you actually are. Additionally, sharing that you are a “very wholistic health-care provider” is a sad testament to you as a trusted healer as it shows you have abandoned the very basic tenets of natural health (natural immunity) in favor of big pharma which is ALL that Anthony Fauci stands for.

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Remdesivir is the modern equivalent to AZT. Both are Fauci poison. He’s a criminal and deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison, although he won’t make it any further than Epstein.

I can understand your struggle. It’s easier to gaslight someone than to convince them they’ve been gaslit.

Try to read RFK, Jr.’s book.

The American collective have long been traumatized and in a state of perpetual fear. Don’t forget the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom C, Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, Waco, etc.

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There’s never been one virus isolated. Ever! It’s all about Rockefeller’s monopolization of medicine. His father sold snake oil.

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Dec 5, 2021Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

HIV positive people who chose to stay off the drugs often did much better for longer (or even stay completely healthy) than those placed on AZT which was an abandoned cancer drug, stopped because of its lethal toxicity. Fauci pushed to get this drug prescribed. Stay on a drug like that long enough, you’ll end up with the side effects that pretty much define AIDS-related illnesses…but oh! —“just think how much sooner they’d have died if not given the med” (similar to the spiel “just think how much worse flu or Covid would’ve been if you hadn’t gotten the vax”).

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

Leaving a conversation before it is exhausted is a sign of closed minded thinking. The chinese were issuing 10,000 mg of Vit C Daily to their in hospital covid patients, those that received the VIt C, walked out the front door. I realized that something was up when I was repeatedly frustrated by the fact that the "narrative" was masking & lockdowns and not a single word about vitamins, proper diet, exercise, vit D, etc for building a robust immune system, with or without acupuncture, homeopathy appointments, etc.

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Jan 16, 2022Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

Ms. Gusch... might you have seen the movie, "And the Band Played On" (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106273/), and are you aware of Anthony Fauci's role in AIDS?

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Jan 16, 2022Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

Ms. Gusch... might you have a summary of actual facts which you trust which support your observation?

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