Aug 9Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

Thanks for the satellite view of our current state of affairs. If one fully engulfs into all of this, it can immobilize one to any positive action. I prefer to avoid any MSM news source and try to get plugged into others who, like me, just want to be left alone.

Lain Davis posted a good Substack (https://off-guardian.org/2024/08/08/go-on-fight-fight-fight/) this week where he makes the case for unplugging and connecting with your own tribe.

"The fight can be won by ignoring the manipulation of the state that pits us against each other. The battle can be fought by maximizing our independence from the state and by building better, more vibrant and healthier communities.

The war will be won when we no longer rely on the state for anything. When we reject the state in its entirety and scoff at anyone who claims the farcical, imaginary right to exercise authority over us."

We don't need to resist, but we should be ready to defend, as we are free men endowed by our creator with a spirit that can never be separated. Peace

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Used to read Off Guardian all the time at the start of COVID, so thanks for the reminder. Yes, grateful for local freedom tribes!

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Jul 26Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

We never get the whole story on anything. I bet you’ve never heard these survivor stories. They don’t fit the narrative. So yes, question everything. https://www.bitchute.com/video/KiwHozAsw1Il/

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Author

Official narratives must always be questioned, although as I mentioned in the blog I avoid going down that rabbithole. Here is a different one I am venturing down at the moment dealing with anomalies on our hollow moon and Mars by legendary remote viewer Ingo Swann. https://www.amazon.com/Penetration-Special-Question-Extraterrestrial-Telepathy-ebook/dp/B08P9XC6L4/

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Aug 2Liked by Larry Burk. MD, CEHP

Well now, that will be an interesting dive into another aspect of the “moon”. Thanks. I’ve heard some say we were warned away from returning to the moon due to ET bases, but after watching “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon” and “American Moon”, there’s also some evidence that perhaps the moon landings were a hoax. Who knows. As for the other rabbit hole, the link above is taken from the collection of survivor interviews in the Shoah Foundation museum…except these don’t conform with the ones they wish us to know—there were orchestras, plays, soccer teams/games, kindergartens, and such, and Auschwitz even had a swimming pool. History is interesting if we take off our blinders.

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